Posts Tagged ‘avacado’

Tea and Halvah.

Coworker got some tamalis.

Tamalis aren’t too popular. So it’ was like new experience and new thing to try.

Apple cider, an apple and some cake.

Bittersweet barrel aged cider. That is one good cider from Woodchuck.

I can’t remember what it was, chilly or something.


IN-N-OUT opened in Texas as well and not too far from us, so we went to have a burger there. We got milk since we thought they would serve same milk what they use for shakes. Had coffee as well so used my milk on coffee.

I have to say burgers what they make are good ones and nice and simple no some ow what you want on your burger… hmm.. wait isn’t burger just lettuce, tomatoes, meat and cheese between buns and your asking what I want on it hmm… I just want burger right… Or you order burger and they still ask what will go on it err.. stuff what you list in menu! Like IN-N-OUT since simple and that is all they do just burgers, shakes and fries no salads or some fancy fancy desserts.

Chicken tortilla soup.

My ray bread with milk. That is something I remember eating a lot when I was growing up.