Posts Tagged ‘woodchuck’

Snickers almonds.

Woodchuck hard cider something from my private blind pick selection.

Some sort of sandwich and those strange muffins what looked a little odd but did taste good and where not too sweet.

Rhubarb tart and tea.


Some sort of cookie.

Ended up frosting some cupcakes what didn’t have frosting.

Cookies and some Indian snack. I liked that snack.

Regular visit to Brooklyn Heights Pizzeria. Had a glass of cider instead of snake bite.

And meatballs.

Back at home found another cider from blind picking from my private stash.

Pancakes with fresh strawberry jam and some coffee.

Some mixed drinks at the gathering it was celebrating graduation.

Lasagna and a lot of other stuff way too much food.

Woodchuck pumpkin cider another bottle for my private stash.

Cream of wheat with some berries and coffee.

White chocolate well I like the milk ones a lot better.

A cider from private cider place what is a corner of my closet. Good cider for sure since it’s limited one and seems they do put more work into them rather then the ones you can find all year around.

Little truffles, those have so cool pictures.

Seems even the chocolate it self has a design to it and yes those truffles are really good.

Coffee, french toast and pancake with peach ginger preserve.

No snake bite since they had some issue with the tap so I got just simple cider.

Artichoke cheese tip with bread.

Since I ended up sharing my artichoke tip with my husband so I had a slice of hes pizza in return.

Woodchuck Pink hard cider. Apple cider what gets it’s nice flavor and color from grape skin.

Heated up macaronis with vegetables and potato cake.



Slice of cake and strawberries.

It has been long since I have had Woodchuck cherry cider.

Coffee, cheesecake and pomelo.

Had one of the marshmallow eggs. Nothing special at all about them was hoping for something else it seems.

Dusty pumpkin cider. Seems it had been waiting for it’s time for quite long.

Black Cherry cider.

And then fancy bottle of pear cider.

Apple slices and tea.

Tea and sandwiches.

Woodchuck hard cider cellar series, mint cider.


Cold BBQ, just finished off last of the BBQ and potato salad.

Slice of cake, yes it seems I should have used more cherries in the middle.

Bean tacos with spicy sausage.

Oopsy daisy. Interesting cider still and so strange that they would do it with chamomile.

Watermelon and melon with hemp yogurt and let me say that is the worst yogurt I have ever had even coconut ones where better that that. It was like sand and had some strange bitter taste to it. I didn’t enjoy it at all and 1st and lat time to get it.

Was the bad taste off with some coconut water and kombucha.

Cold pizza and cheese sticks.

Gumption cider. Not too bad cider but again they could use more cider apples rather then eating ones.