Posts Tagged ‘truffles’

Some sort of liver paste (still have not really find a good liver paste) and cup of tea.

Snickers peanut butter.

Watermelon and chocolate truffles.

Cream of wheat with some berries and coffee.

White chocolate well I like the milk ones a lot better.

A cider from private cider place what is a corner of my closet. Good cider for sure since it’s limited one and seems they do put more work into them rather then the ones you can find all year around.

Little truffles, those have so cool pictures.

Seems even the chocolate it self has a design to it and yes those truffles are really good.

Some stupid protein bar what is more like candy bar and then honey patties.

Truffles. I like the salted caramel one best.

BBQ from Smokey Mo’s, that place has the best BBQ sauce in my opinion.

One of those brother in law random mixed drink. I think it was blueberry vodka with blueberry lemonade. It was good drink to be honest.

Just some candy.

I really didn’t feel well that day and all I ate was some candy and yes slept almost all day as well. One of those days when you don’t want anything at all and don’t want to do nothing.