Posts Tagged ‘woodchuck pink’

Coffee, french toast and pancake with peach ginger preserve.

No snake bite since they had some issue with the tap so I got just simple cider.

Artichoke cheese tip with bread.

Since I ended up sharing my artichoke tip with my husband so I had a slice of hes pizza in return.

Woodchuck Pink hard cider. Apple cider what gets it’s nice flavor and color from grape skin.

Apple, apricot and really good yogurt.

Black tea with milk.

Cinnamon rolls had few of those skinny cow treats, to be honest during the day I ended up finishing the bag. So funny is that brand to make it less calories they just make every individual cookie smaller.

Those butter biscuits where really good ones, had a cup of tea with them.

Chia drink, it was interesting drink.

An apple.

Making some bread.

Made some burger buns.

While waiting for the buns to go to the oven and cook had some eggs.

There they are my burger buns. They where good but my bad I made them too big and didn’t fatten them out but next time I know.

There it is my tall burger and some strange sauerkraut on the side with pickles.

Had Woodchuck pink cider.