Posts Tagged ‘tip’

Coffee, french toast and pancake with peach ginger preserve.

No snake bite since they had some issue with the tap so I got just simple cider.

Artichoke cheese tip with bread.

Since I ended up sharing my artichoke tip with my husband so I had a slice of hes pizza in return.

Woodchuck Pink hard cider. Apple cider what gets it’s nice flavor and color from grape skin.

We got some honey mead from farmers market. It’s nice stuff not too strong and has nice refreshing taste to it. To that one they added some hops.

Got some pickling cucumbers from farmers market as well, since my own aren’t doing good at all. So I used liquid from pickles what we bought. Just simple ones in salt water no vinegar at all.

Tortilla chips, some dip and coffee.

One of our own cucumbers.

Really good kombucha and what we like about it is that it’s not so sweet as the one we buy form farmers market.

For some reason seems pizzas where for dinner.

Cracked open strange bottle of cider but good one. Have been keeping it for some reason, err.. because it’s seasonal and quite expensive bottle.

Tall and skinny bottle.

Then after sharing and finishing cider I had some beer. It was good one but I really like the grape fruit one from the same company but grapefruit one is seasonal.

And on top of the beer I had Woodchucks raspberry cider. A lot to drink for a one day.