Posts Tagged ‘buffed rice’

Sandwiches and coffee.

Found some rice balls. They where hard to eat since quite big and then quite hard the syrup they used made them quite hard and sweet. It was sticky mess in the end and for the flavor the sticky mess was not worth it.

No idea how I ended up with that one but over all can’t remember how it was. Sour Cherry bier.

Slice of cake, kombucha and coffee.

Some stew with rice.

Had a roll of buffed rice stuff.

Pancakes with some blackcurrant jam and sour cream, cup of the on side.

Buffed rice treats and some grapes.

Cheese sticks and pudding.

Pumpkin cider.

Some sandwiches and crackers.

Fond last of the little ice creams, had forgotten all about it.


Making some coffee.

Tamales fried in butter and still Taco Lady tamales aren’t so good.

Chocolate covered buffed grains. I used rice, millet and kamut.

Crackers and melons. That little yellow one was good.

Fish. Wasn’t too fond of it how it turned out.

Some chia seeds and flax seeds in cherry juice (I soaked them overnight) and tea, what I will be drinking all day.

Tacos. She makes her own refried beans.

Heated up mac and cheese. Uhhh.. it seems husband didn’t want any and I didn’t want to take it back home so I ate all of that stuff.

Few slices cinnamon bread, with those it was same I already had them in lunch box day before so I didn’t want to take it back home and put it in the fridge…

Had hand full of cheese puffs.

Blood orange and guava.

Bread and cheese quesadilla with corn tortilla and some fried meat on the side.

Crunchy buffed rice. Those things are really good but they are missing chocolate. I miss that buffed rice chocolate.

Hard ginger beer. I opened it and had some and the went to bed, could not finish it that night.