Posts Tagged ‘soft pretzels’

Soft pretzels what we shaped and baked, cup of coffee. Not too bad way to start a birthday day at all.

I have a plan to make myself a big apple pie. So 1st step done. But ya since the events of the day I could not finish making it that day.

Simple sandwich with stuff.

Since boys went out to Daddy party for my sister in law husband since they will be parents soon. Me and mother in law went out to have some good time as well so we ended up eating in Serranos and the salsa this place has is no joke at all.

Something, I can’t remember what it was but it had beans and pulled pork on it and it was good.

I had fish tacos and hmm.. I should remember not to get the white fish stuff since it sort of tastes like dirt. But still it was good stuff and different. Rice they had was hot as well and yes I left the pepper alone that would have been a little too much heat.

And in the end of the day we ended up going to play some BINO. It was quite confusing at 1st to play it since they have so many different games and we had no idea what one or other game was all about. So took some time to get use to it. But I did have fun and didn’t just play BINGO for myself but had someone in my mind as well as I was doing it.