Posts Tagged ‘beef’

And apple and some beef stoganoff with rice.

Coconut water.

Rice and vegetable masala.

Pork tamales and tacos, I just had one taco what had just cheese, eggs and beans.

Liverwurst on bread.

Seems we did some more grilling this Friday at work. Just some meat (sausage, chicken, beef) in soft tortillas. I had some of the Gold Top cider but I did share with others since there where some who did say that they have never had hard apple cider and they though it was all some sweet stuff.

To be honest the meat was good.

And then there was some cake as well. It was way too big one for so few people.

Apple ale.


Traveler grapefruit ale, it really tasted like grapefruit.


Off to work today as well. Some tea and little cookies.

Crackers and cookies. I do like those Ritz crackers quit a lot.

Heated up leftover calzone. Seems those are the best when fresh but still not too bad after heating it up.

Scones, peanuts and pretzel sticks (from what I picked the salt crystals off).

Something caught my eye at store. So I was hmm.. what is that then.

And it was like Snickers bar. I did like it a lot.. just something sticking those peanuts in the chocolate with caramel thingy is so good.

Ate some nice and sweet pine apple.

We ended up going to our friends place for the New Years Eve.

I’m still looking for the donuts what I have had in Estonia but so far no luck in the search. I really need to get myself together and just make some at home. Yes I know making them in oil not good thing at all and this and that but the flavor keeps haunting me. I think it might be the type of oil they use as well what gives them the flavor what I’m looking for.

Friend made some meat and we wrapped in kale leaves what we picked from our garden.

I had one with chicken and tortilla as well. Had few with kale leaves to be honest. That beef stuff was good even yes it was already seasoned in the store. And for the chicken since he made it on a grill some parts got nice and brown, I like it when it is little dry and crisp.

We where in hurry to get out of the house and I forgot my tea in the morning so I made some at work.


Dill and garlic sauerkraut salad.

Fried rice with some beef and cucumber slices.

Stollen and milk.

Harvest patch shandy. Still I do like the original one the best out of them.


Salad with some chicken and bread.

Forgot my tea in the morning and tea was still warm in the evening .

Woodchuck hopped apple cider.


Butter milk pancakes with peanut butter and tea.


Then had another pancake but this times used Nutella on it.


BBQ from Rudy’s. Cream corn, potato salad, coleslaw, pickles, sausage and beef.


Had some more coleslaw and turkey. Rudy’s BBQ sauce isn’t the best but it’s ok.


Candy (fudge candy), peace of frozen pie and coffee.

ice cream

Really good ice cream.


Tea and sandwiches.


Coffee and some cupcakes.


Strange marking on beer packages. So no swimming, no driving, no under 18 drinking.


Cherry Totino, we drank it on rocks.

potatoes and grilled stuff

We grilled outside for the dinner, had some friends coming over as well. It was fun night.


Grilled up some beef. It was cut into thin strips to grill, it was yummy stuff.


Cider, it was good cider. So we came inside after having nice dinner and it just got bad too much liqueur and my sister even sent brother to get some more just before they stopped selling it. And then had some locally done moonshine, it was interesting and made my through feel nice but ohh.. we all had a lot of fun and drank too much. I just didn’t know when to stop or more like ignored it.

iced tea

Iced tea. So we went to Kobe Japanese Steakhouse to celebrate mother in law birthday, what was coming up soon.

miso soup

So the meal starts with miso soup. That soup is just simple and good.


And then you could chose to have a little salad as well, that salad has really good dressing on it. My husband shared with me that little salad since I didn’t get it (just got soup for beginning).

fun fun

Then fun starts since cook will make the food in front of you (we shared the table with some strangers as well, and that is one of the few places where you end up with strangers in the same table).

fried rice

There we go so he is making fried rice for all of us.

rice making

There we go big thing of rice on a big hot plate.

rice in the end

So it’s pressed into small bowls. It’s good rice they make there.

yaki soba

Now making some chicken, since we got chicken yaki soba noodles.

yaki soba

There we go almost done with the noodles.

rice and noodles for dinner

That’s what ended up on my plate then. It was all good.


Vegetables for the other plates and hes making volcano out of some onions.

onion tower

Onion tower on fire.

onion train

So in the end he made tsuu-tsuu sound and was moving it around.


So he continued finishing other orders.

kobe beef

That is kobe beef then. Don’t know too much about it, tasted it but I think if I would get a plate I could not be able to eat it all, since the beef is strange, maybe if it would be well done or more like medium well would be different. (since mother in law got it medium rear).

chocolate cake

And then she got a slice of cake. Surprisingly good chocolate cake it was.

dr pepper

When we got home I opened up some strange soda. It wasn’t good and regretted opening it.

BBQ for breakfast

BBQ sandwich, smoked sausage, cream corn, beef, pickles and BBQ sauce.

ice cream for dinner

Seasonal ice cream some candy one with white chocolate. Quite good ice ream.

Egg for breakfast

Fried egg, tomato slices and fried up vegetables.

Candy bar

Candy bar (had 2 of them other one was milk chocolate one).


Sandwich and tortilla chips.




Pulled pork, beef, salads and bread.


Cookies and cake.


Sprite and coconut rum over ice.